🥇Is the use of masks mandatory in companies?

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, We have seen how the recommendations of the use of the mask have been contradicted over time by the health authorities and the Government. At first it was said that it was only necessary in the case of people carrying COVID-19 to prevent […]

How does the coronavirus affect the corporate gift sector?

Canton Fair canceled (Canton Fair) The coronavirus epidemic that started in China is wreaking havoc on the world economy. That is why today we ask ourselves, How does the coronavirus affect the corporate gift sector? Losses greater than 260.000 millions of euros. In addition to the loss of human life, […]

Start Promogift 2020, the fair for the advertising and promotional gift sector

A new edition of Promogift begins 2020 of the business gift trade show, one of the most important in Europe at IFEMA Madrid fairground. Promogift is supported by Fyvar and Aimfap, associations that bring together wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors and markers of the promotional gift sector in Spain and Portugal. In this edition they expose […]

The promotional gift as a means of advertising and promotion

In our previous publications we have been shelving the different areas of the advertising gift sector, of company and loyalty. With this publication we would like to give some guidelines for its better use. Let's know the possibilities of the promotional gift as a means of advertising and promotion. We must select the advertising articles that adapt to what we want to communicate, […]

How to get the best promotional gift

In our previous posts, we have differentiated between advertising gift, promotional gift and business gift. In this new article I am going to expose the different possibilities of gifts for your advertising. Principally, depending on the objective and the budget to be invested. Therefore, we will understand how to get the best promotional gift. One of the possibilities that […]

Difference between Business and Advertising Gift

As we explained in our previous post, in the promotion and publicity through the object or promotional gift there is a big difference. The same goes for the corporate gift, Although they all belong to the same sector, it is convenient to differentiate them. So much for the goal they pursue, as well as the impact it produces on our clients at the […]

Difference between Advertising and Promotional Gift

Es habitual no distinguir la diferencia entre regalo publicitario y regalo promocional. It is usual not to distinguish. Regalo publicitario En el primero de los casos se define como publicitario aquel producto que lleva la marca o mensaje de la empresa, actuando como soporte para el […]

No compres a ciegas. Cinco ventajas de elegir Wanamos

Wanamos te abre los ojos Con Wanamos: 1. Consigue 5 presupuestos GRATIS. 2. Encuentra a los mejores proveedores. 3. Compara precios. 4. Ahorra tiempo y dinero 5. Cuatro áreas de regalo: Artículos Publicitarios, Fabricación a Medida, Fidelización y Promociones, y Outlet.

What are USB sticks? Another way to remember your brand

¿Recuerdas que había antes del USB? Parece que fue hace mil años; pero en realidad su historia se remonta a los dos últimos años del siglo pasado. En Wanamos tenemos cerca de medio millar de referencias relacionadas con estas memorias, que empezaron teniendo una capacidad de almacenamiento de 8 MB y hoy ya se venden […]

Marca la diferencia marcando bien tu marca

En wanamos te ofrecemos la más amplia variedad de regalos publicitarios y promocionales de los mejores proveedores del sector. Y desde esta entrada queremos introducirte en las diferentes opciones que existen a la hora de marcar los artículos publicitarios. Hacerlo bien marca la diferencia de tu propia marca.